
New Seoul


Design Patent Application/Registration



To register design patent in a foreign country

The method of filing a design patent and granting registration is different depending on the relevant country, and the ways in which designs can be filed abroad are roughly classified as follows.

Firstly, overseas design registration applications can be filed directly through a local patent attorney in each country where the design patent is required to be obtained. In order to claim priority, the design patent application should be filed in the relevant country within six months of the filing date of the earlier application.

Secondly, according to Hague Agreement, design patent applications can be applied simultaneously to one or several countries and/or states with a single application. This is a method of applying for design patent applications throughout the designated countries and/or states by submitting a single English application to the International Bureau (WIPO). New Seoul International will prepare the necessary English application form and submit it to WIPO and then engage in the Bureau’s procedures as an agent at all subsequent stages.

Comparison of direct applications and individual countries and applications by Hague system

New Seoul

provides all services for your overseas design patent rights.
Increases the registration success rate of your overseas design patent application.